the notes of PE workshop#3 - 2


this entry follows


what i did

i made an analysis tool of the PE File Header. i think it will help me to edit binary flies.

it isn't truly related to the workshop, never mind :P (as i said, it will help me to edit binaries, probably)


% ./analysis.exe ./homu.exe
 e_magic    : 5A4D [MZ]
 e_cblp     : 0090
 e_cp       : 0003
 e_cparhdr  : 0004
 e_minalloc : 0000
 e_maxalloc : FFFF
 e_ss       : 0000
 e_sp       : 00B8
 e_csum     : 0000
 e_ip       : 0000
 e_cs       : 0000
 e_lfarlc   : 0040
 e_ovno     : 0000
 e_res[4]   : 0000 0000 0000 0000
 e_oemid    : 0000
 e_oeminfo  : 0000
 e_res2[10] : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
 e_lfanew   : 00000080
 Signature  : 00004550 [PE]

... omit ...


  • judges whether an input file is PE file or not.
    • if not, the tool doesn't analysis the header.
  • shows detail of the PE header.

as you know, "objdump -x" can do it similarly. but i'm going to extend this tool function. for example, analyses a text section with OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode and IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ... (i know "objdump" can also do it :-)


i referred this entry to make the tool. thanx.


reading a header detail is annoying for me, so i made this tool. i believe it will help me to analyse and edit binary files.

i wish i wrote a beautiful logic.(the logic i wrote was very simple and long...)

i'm going to make the memo of .idata next entry.