twitter4r を使用した twitter client for ruby

引数を与えるとpost & get,
引数がないと get のみ


require 'rubygems'
gem( 'twitter4r', '>=0.3.0' )
require 'twitter'
require 'time'

USERNAME = 'username'
PASSWORD = 'password'

message = nil
if ARGV.size > 0 then
  message = ARGV.join( ' ' )

client = :login => USERNAME, :password => PASSWORD )

if message != nil then
  post_status = client.status( :post, message )

statuses = [ ]
timeline = client.timeline_for( :friends ) do |status|
  statuses.push( status )

statuses.reverse.each{ |status|
  datetime = status.created_at.to_s.split( / / )
  puts "#{status.user.screen_name} : #{status.text} [ #{datetime[ 1 ]} #{datetime[ 2 ]} #{datetime[ 4 ].slice( 0..4 ) } ]"


takahiro@takahiro-desktop:~/work/ruby/twitter$ ./main.rb 
calvinongcg : @sidneymohede haha... i did that too this morning while on my way to work... Have a great day... it's raining in Spore... [ 06 May 10:06 ]
wakachamo : @Biansta b'as noites :D [ 06 May 10:07 ]
saki28 : おはようごじますー [ 06 May 10:20 ]
wakachamo : Peter Cushing lives in Whitstable... [ 06 May 10:23 ]
wakachamo : I agree with @LetterM. This is the best QI moment EVER. [ 06 May 10:25 ]
wakachamo : @taktoniboshi おはようございまーす [ 06 May 10:36 ]
wakachamo : @LetterM they say of the acropolis where the parthenon is... [ 06 May 10:36 ]
dkdn : こんな辺境の地の映画館がここまで混むとは…ゴールデン・ウィーク最終日おそるべし… [ 06 May 10:42 ]
dkdn : あまりの混み具合に映画館から退散。負けた…負けたのだ! [ 06 May 10:44 ]
dkdn : さて映画難民。帰宅してもすることない。 [ 06 May 11:01 ]
wakachamo : @sandkatt prettyyyy :D what do you think of the RC so far? [ 06 May 11:12 ]
wakachamo : [Digg] Caroline Costa Sings Hurt by Christina Aguilera [ 06 May 11:13 ]
wakachamo : @sandkatt yeah, I bet the spaced romaji feels a little awkward :P [ 06 May 11:14 ]
gumpreza : @chicago2cali amen. levin is gold. [ 06 May 11:28 ]
gumpreza : @brendanlewis do you have build 7100? i know what you speak of but mine doesn't do that. [ 06 May 11:28 ]
wakachamo : @LetterM I swear you make posts on tumblr at the speed of light [ 06 May 11:34 ]
wakachamo : @LetterM YOU JUST MADE ANOTHER ONE WTF DDDDDDDDDD8 [ 06 May 11:39 ]
superhoge : 日本語テスト from twitter4r [ 06 May 11:41 ]
superhoge : rails で家計簿アプリを試作中 [ 06 May 11:42 ]
metaphoricwords : Windowsダンプの極意を読む。 [ 06 May 11:44 ]
