How to reduce GC processing on real time JavaScript game.


You know, I've been implementing a STG with JavaScript and HTML5. (This article follows the previous article

Recently, the low performance of the STG was getting serious, therefore I got the profile. I found the GC was one of the most heavy processings (though the heaviest processing is canvas drawing), and I attempted to reduce GC occurrence.

In this article, I'll show you what I did to reduce GC and how it worked well.

Play and video

First, I'll let you know the latest and older version of the game and the video. You can understand what I've been implementing. In the latest one has low GC implementation, while the older one doesn't it and GC occurs a lot.

You can register your playing to the server in the latest version and let the other players see your playing! Try it!

the latest one (Click this link to play! You can play this game on your chrome.)


Before (Bad code)

Then, I'll show you the older code which made GC happen a lot. This class, named ElementManager, manages almost all elements of my STG, like fighter, bullet, enemies, and so on.

// Note that I simplified this code to let you easily understand.
function ElementManager( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.reset = function( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
} ;

// Element is the class represents an element of my STG.
ElementManager.prototype.create = function( ) {
  this.elements.push( new Element( ) ) ;
} ;

// This function removes dead elements.
ElementManager.prototype.checkLoss = function( callback ) {
  var elements = [ ] ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) {
    if( ! this.elements[ i ].isDead( ) ) {
      elements.push( this.elements[ i ] ) ;
  this.elements = elements ;
} ;

You know, in STG much many elements appear. They are generated, deleted, generated, deleted... much many elements are repeatedly generated and deleted.

I mean, this is the main resource management logic. I expected JavaScript automatically allocate and free memory well, so I didn't care them by myself at all, as you see in the code.

After (Good code)

I read this document when I decided to reduce GC processing.

I'll quote the most important technique written in this document. (In this document, you can see many useful techniques. I recommend you to read through it.)

Where possible, try to create the object on startup, and simply re-use the same object for as long as possible.

I changed the memory management strategy. I decided to manage memory by myself. I wrote an abstract memory(element=object) management class, named FreeList.

 * This class manages object resources to reduce GC.
function FreeList( num ) {
  this.num = num ;
  this.head = null ;
  this.tail = null ;
  this.list = [ ] ;
  this._init( ) ;

FreeList.prototype._init = function( ) {
  // Just in case.
  if( this.num <= 0 )
    return ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.num; i++ ) {
    var element = this._generateElement( ) ;
    element.listId = i ; // compulsorily add a property.
    this.list.push( { 'element': element, 'listForw': null, 'available': true } ) ;
    if( i > 0 )
      this.list[ i - 1 ].listForw = this.list[ i ] ;
  this.head = this.list[ 0 ] ;
  this.tail = this.list[ this.num - 1 ] ;
} ;

 * Child class must override this method.
FreeList.prototype._generateElement = function( ) {
  return { } ;
} ;

 * TODO: must implement the proper object shortage handler.
 * TODO: verify the functionality.
FreeList.prototype.get = function( ) {
  if( this.head == null ) {
    window.alert( 'ran out of object resources.' ) ;
    throw new Error( 'ran out of object resources.' ) ;
  var head = this.head ;
  this.head = head.listForw ;
  head.available = false ;
  head.listForw = null ;
  if( this.head == null )
    this.tail = null ;
  return head.element ;
} ; = function( element ) {
  this.list[ element.listId ].available = true ;
  if( this.tail != null )
    this.tail.listForw = this.list[ element.listId ] ;
  this.tail = this.list[ element.listId ] ;
  if( this.head == null )
    this.head = this.tail ;
} ;

The FreeList has an element list. Outer class uses get( ) to get an object from the element list and free( ) to return an object to the element list. As you see, objects are generated only once (I mean memory allocation for elements occurs only once) when the FreeList instance is generated. And also, the FreeList keeps freed objects in the element list. So, you can reuse objects.

And, I modified the ElementManager to use FreeList.

// Note that I simplified this code to let you easily understand.
 * Utility function for inherit.
function __inherit( child, parent ) {
  var getPrototype = function( p ) {
    if( Object.create ) {
      return Object.create( p ) ;
    function f( ) { } ;
    f.prototype = p ;
    return new f( ) ;
  } ;
  child.prototype = getPrototype( parent.prototype ) ;
  child.prototype.constructor = child ;

function ElementFreeList( num ) { this, num ) ;
__inherit( ElementFreeList, FreeList ) ;

ElementFreeList.prototype._generateElement = function( ) {
  return new Element( ) ;
} ;

function ElementManager( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
  this.freelist = new ElementFreeList( 1000 ) ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.reset = function( ) {
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) { this.elements[ i ] ) ;
  this.elements.length = 0 ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.create = function( ) {
  var e = this.freelist.get( ) ;
  e.init( ) ; // initialize Element
  this.elements.push( e ) ;
} ;

// A technique written in the above document is used,
// that is to change length properties.
ElementManager.prototype.checkLoss = function( callback ) {
  var j = 0 ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) {
    if( ! this.elements[ i ].isDead( ) ) {
      this.elements[ i - j ] = this.elements[ i ] ;
    } else { this.elements[ i ] ) ;
      j++ ;
  this.elements.length -= j ;
} ;


I compared the new implementation with the old one by seeing CPU profile. I used the 2nd stage boss bullets pattern for the comparison because its bullet number is around 400(see the circle of the following image) which is the currently most greatest number in my STG. I mean, Element generation and deletion happen a lot.

This is the (partial) result. The top one is the older one result, and the bottom one is the newer one.

You can see that CPU spent around 5% for GC and idle time is only 25% in the older one. But, GC didn't occur in the newer one and idle time much increased, that is 73%. This idle time increase is much important to be stable running on 60FPS.

When you see this result number, be careful that I modified the entire source code not only to use new ElementManager and FreeList, but also to prevent new memory allocation in many parts as fine tune.

And this result is just on my environment. On your environment, the result number can change.


I implemented low GC STG which manages memory by myself. It reduced GC processing a lot and much increased idle time.

I confirmed the memory reuse technique works well to implement low GC game.

Probably, this is the basic and well-known technique. But it's interesting that you can see the actual number on the actual game, isn't it?

The following is the Japanese translation of this article.





Play and video



the latest one (Click this link to play! You can play this game on your chrome.)


Before (Bad code)


// Note that I simplified this code to let you easily understand.
function ElementManager( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.reset = function( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
} ;

// Element is the class represents an element of my STG.
ElementManager.prototype.create = function( ) {
  this.elements.push( new Element( ) ) ;
} ;

// This function removes dead elements.
ElementManager.prototype.checkLoss = function( callback ) {
  var elements = [ ] ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) {
    if( ! this.elements[ i ].isDead( ) ) {
      elements.push( this.elements[ i ] ) ;
  this.elements = elements ;
} ;



After (Good code)



Where possible, try to create the object on startup, and simply re-use the same object for as long as possible.


 * This class manages object resources to reduce GC.
function FreeList( num ) {
  this.num = num ;
  this.head = null ;
  this.tail = null ;
  this.list = [ ] ;
  this._init( ) ;

FreeList.prototype._init = function( ) {
  // Just in case.
  if( this.num <= 0 )
    return ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.num; i++ ) {
    var element = this._generateElement( ) ;
    element.listId = i ; // compulsorily add a property.
    this.list.push( { 'element': element, 'listForw': null, 'available': true } ) ;
    if( i > 0 )
      this.list[ i - 1 ].listForw = this.list[ i ] ;
  this.head = this.list[ 0 ] ;
  this.tail = this.list[ this.num - 1 ] ;
} ;

 * Child class must override this method.
FreeList.prototype._generateElement = function( ) {
  return { } ;
} ;

 * TODO: must implement the proper object shortage handler.
 * TODO: verify the functionality.
FreeList.prototype.get = function( ) {
  if( this.head == null ) {
    window.alert( 'ran out of object resources.' ) ;
    throw new Error( 'ran out of object resources.' ) ;
  var head = this.head ;
  this.head = head.listForw ;
  head.available = false ;
  head.listForw = null ;
  if( this.head == null )
    this.tail = null ;
  return head.element ;
} ; = function( element ) {
  this.list[ element.listId ].available = true ;
  if( this.tail != null )
    this.tail.listForw = this.list[ element.listId ] ;
  this.tail = this.list[ element.listId ] ;
  if( this.head == null )
    this.head = this.tail ;
} ;




// Note that I simplified this code to let you easily understand.
 * Utility function for inherit.
function __inherit( child, parent ) {
  var getPrototype = function( p ) {
    if( Object.create ) {
      return Object.create( p ) ;
    function f( ) { } ;
    f.prototype = p ;
    return new f( ) ;
  } ;
  child.prototype = getPrototype( parent.prototype ) ;
  child.prototype.constructor = child ;

function ElementFreeList( num ) { this, num ) ;
__inherit( ElementFreeList, FreeList ) ;

ElementFreeList.prototype._generateElement = function( ) {
  return new Element( ) ;
} ;

function ElementManager( ) {
  this.elements = [ ] ;
  this.freelist = new ElementFreeList( 1000 ) ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.reset = function( ) {
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) { this.elements[ i ] ) ;
  this.elements.length = 0 ;
} ;

ElementManager.prototype.create = function( ) {
  var e = this.freelist.get( ) ;
  e.init( ) ; // initialize Element
  this.elements.push( e ) ;
} ;

// A technique written in the above document is used,
// that is to change length properties.
ElementManager.prototype.checkLoss = function( callback ) {
  var j = 0 ;
  for( var i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++ ) {
    if( ! this.elements[ i ].isDead( ) ) {
      this.elements[ i - j ] = this.elements[ i ] ;
    } else { this.elements[ i ] ) ;
      j++ ;
  this.elements.length -= j ;
} ;








