Learning Three.js 2nd edition の和訳書「初めてのThree.js 第2版」にTHREE.MMDLoaderの基本的な使い方の解説を巻末付録として寄稿しました。I contributed an article about how to use THREE.MMDLoader to the book "Hajimete-no Three.js 2nd edition" w…
THREE.MMDLoader which I've been developing will be available in Three.js r74. It was already merged into r74 dev. enables you to use MMD data on browser with Three.js.Demo: http://takahi…
Introduction I made a web app which lets MMD(3D CG animation tool) model dance with music sync on your chrome.It's implemented from kinda scratch with JavaScript and WebGL.(I mean I don't use any 3D CG libraries like Three.js though I use …
Demo for Windows and chrome. source codes My source code messed yet tho.I use Ammo.js( for physics. video and sna…
I've got the flu and cannot go out. So instead I'm trying to load MMD model on Chrome with WebGL.
I supported Player character viewpoint using WebGL into touhou like shooting. "Y" to change the viewpoint. You can use it in sole play, replay, and co-op play.
Introduction I've implemented a Touhou style shooter game. Its special feature is that you can enjoy P2P co-op play with your friend using WebRTC.I'll introduce you how to connect with your friend. Try and enjoy! How to connect and begin t…
Began to work on Chrome with P2P connection. It uses WebGL, WebSocket, and WebRTC.
I'm making WebRTC performance test on 2D shooter game. Ask me how to use it if you're interested in it because its interface and functionality are not straightforward yet. I reused We…
calling a bound function and bind() itself is slow test code. I ran it on Windows chrome. /* the prototype to compare with */ function A() { this.val = 1; }; A.prototype.func = function() { return this.val; }; /* B is callee and C is calle…
Introduction I've been developing some JavaScript applications. Lately I faced with the performance problem. So, I began to read "High Performance JavaScript" and some useful websites, and decided to optimize the code with some JavaScript …
I've been implementing a NES(Famicom in JP) emulator with JavaScript. Finally I achieved to display a pic after boot up. It stops after display the pic, but prolly you can actually play games on it soon.The code and the demonstration is he…
Introduction As I wrote in the previous article, I began some experiments of the network use on the web browser game.First of all, I evaluated WebSocket performance which could be the easiest to use, to know what I can do with it.WebSocket…
Introduction In the previous article I found that WebGL can much improve the drawing performance.So I ported the 2D shooter game which I've been developing to WebGL, not only background b…
Introduction I made a WebGL benchmark based on 2D traditional shooting game to know the WebGL potential.I'll introduce it and I got a good result much better than Canvas. Benchmark…
Introduction Finally I adopted WebGL to draw the 3D background of the traditional 2D shooter game which I made.The combination of 2D main game layer and 3D background layer looks good, isn't it? Screenshot Play You can play my game on your…
Introduction Lately, I've studied WebGL to get used to GPU. I think I understand the basic knowledge, so I began to try to adopt it into the STG which I've been developing.I've had the problem in the STGthat the canvas drawing leads the sl…
Introduction I implemented easy RSVP(Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) with JavaScript because I was inspired by Spritz( is one of the common high speed reading technique. You can see the detail of RSVP and S…
Introduction You know, I've been implementing a STG with JavaScript and HTML5. (This article follows the previous article, the low performance of the STG was getting serious, the…
Introduction Suddenly I felt I wanna implement a STG. So, I implemented it with JavaScript and HTML5 in a week. I'll introduce you it here. Play You can play it here. (Be careful that the …
Introduction This entry follows the last entry.'ll introduce my PDP11 emulator implemented with JavaScript because I almost achieved it. PDP-11 Emulator implemented with JavaScript You ca…
Introduction Hi, it's been a while. I'll show you what I implemented recently today. PDP-11 Emulator implemented with JavaScript 2013/07/22 2013/07/21 2013/07/09 2013/07/07 I implemented a PDP-11 Emulator with JavaScript. You can see on th…
はじめに たまたまこんなツイートを見かけたので。 window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], t = window.twttr || {}; if (d.getElementById(id)) return t; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "htt…の続き 紹介動画 免責 まだバグバグな状態です。無限ループなどにはまる可能性もあります。自己責任で使用してください。ローパワーなマシンだと結構遅いです。 使い方 下記のリンクをクリックしてくだ…
前回のエントリでUNIX v6 file system hack toolを作り始めたことを書きました。HTML5+JacaScript版がそれなりに形になってきたので、動画で紹介してみました。よろしければご覧ください。肝心のhack toolはこちらからアクセスできます。…
はじめに UNIX v6 code readingもファイルシステムに突入しました。コード読み解いてるだけじゃ物足りないなー。そうだ、UNIX v6 ファイルシステムをハックしてしまおう!と思ったのが今回の始まりです。 その前に UNIX v6ファイルシステム読み込みに関して…
はじめに 光栄なことに、昨日のエントリに対し、結城浩さんからコメントを頂きました。 window.twttr = (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], t = window.twttr || {}; if (d.getElementById(id)) return t; js = d.createEle…
はじめに 久々にC++書きたいなー、とか、物理現象を可視化したいなー、とか、HTML5弄ってみたいなー、とか思っていました。そんな折、数学ガールを読んでいて、ふと目に付いた「ブラウン運動」の文字。そんなわけで「ブラウン運動の可視化」を題材にして、C+…