JavaScript performance technique experiment
I've been developing some JavaScript applications. Lately I faced with the performance problem.
So, I began to read "High Performance JavaScript" and some useful websites, and decided to optimize the code with some JavaScript performance techniques.
High Performance JavaScript: Build Faster Web Application Interfaces
- 作者: Nicholas C. Zakas
- 出版社/メーカー: Yahoo Press
- 発売日: 2010/04/02
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 20回
- この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る
First of all, I experimented some techniques. I'll share them here. I ran them on Windows Chrome. You know, the result depends on your environment.
Parent's method call
test code
function __inherit(child, parent) { var getPrototype = function(p) { if(Object.create) { return Object.create(p); } function f() {}; f.prototype = p; return new f(); }; child.prototype = getPrototype(parent.prototype); child.prototype.constructor = child; }; /* the prototype to compare with */ function A() { this.val = 1; }; A.prototype.func = function() { return this.val; }; /* the way I use now */ function B() { this.parent = A;; }; __inherit(B, A); B.prototype.func = function() { return; }; /* I should use this */ function C() { this.parent = A;; this.val = 10; }; __inherit(C, A); /* copy the parent method and explicitly call it */ C.prototype.AFunc = A.prototype.func; C.prototype.func = function() { return this.AFunc(this); }; function test(inst) { var oldTime, newTime; var time; var loop = 0x10000000; oldTime =; for(var i = 0; i < loop; i++) { inst.func(); } newTime =; time = newTime - oldTime; console.log(time); }; var a = new A(); var b = new B(); var c = new C(); test(a); test(b); test(c);
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Global variable vs local variable
test code
/* the way I use now */ function A() { this.val = 1; }; A.PI = Math.PI; A.prototype.func = function() { return this.val * A.PI; }; /* I should use this way or */ function B() { this.val = 1; this.pi = Math.PI; }; B.prototype.func = function() { return this.val * this.pi; }; /* this way */ function C() { this.val = 1; }; C.prototype.PI = Math.PI; C.prototype.func = function() { return this.val * this.PI; }; function test(inst) { var oldTime, newTime; var time; var loop = 0x100000; oldTime =; for(var i = 0; i < loop; i++) { inst.func(); } newTime =; time = newTime - oldTime; console.log(time); }; var a = new A(); var b = new B(); var c = new C(); test(a); test(b); test(c);
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Push vs index
test code
function test() { var oldTime, newTime; var time; var loop = 0x1000000; var val, val2; var array = []; var array2 = []; oldTime =; for(var i = 0; i < loop; i++) { array.push(i); } newTime =; time = newTime - oldTime; console.log(time); oldTime =; for(var i = 0; i < loop; i++) { array2[i] = i; } newTime =; time = newTime - oldTime; console.log(time); }; test();
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I showed three techniques which improves performance about 4-70x. I have some guesses why they improve(for example, reduce the scope chain traversing), but I mention it after I certainly learn JavaScript specification and JavaScript engines.
Anyways, I'm very annoyed because I realized that I need to modify almost all my codes to improve the performance. Hahaha.... Nahhhh
BTW, my NES emu with JavaScript began to work. Enjoy!